Thursday, May 29, 2014

Lacrimosa - Requiem Mass in D Minor - Mozart

So, a few days ago, a friend of mine's father passed away from unknown causation. No history of disease, no history of unwell feeling, to put it easy, He's just dead. It reminds me that no matter how well you feel you do, no matter how healthy you are, if God wants you to die, then you die. That simple. Anyway, i dont want to talk about death, it doesnt scare me, but it troubles my mind. 

This post is dedicated to anyone who just lost his/her love ones, or still remember them. This song is one of my most favorite classical pieces. I know that this song isn't in accordance with my religion, as I'm a muslim, but the story behind it that makes me really love this piece (If you're interested in knowing this, you can read it on Lacrimosa).

Latin : 

Lacrimosa dies illa

Qua resurget ex favilla

Judicandus homo reus.

Huic ergo parce, Deus:

Pie Jesu Domine,

Dona eis requiem. Amen.

English : 

Full of tears shall be that day

On which from ashes shall arise

The guilty man to be judged;

Therefore, O God, have mercy on him.

Gentle Lord Jesus,

grant them eternal rest. Amen.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Newton’s Law and Karma

Newton’s third law of motion : When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to that of the first body.

I’m not talking about physics, i’m talking about the implication of this law in our life. In every action, there is always a reaction equal to the action. The problem is, there is no standardized measurement for the reaction. It’s viewed subjectively by the person who receives the action. Nevertheless, if you do something, either good or bad, don’t expect to not get anything in return. Because there is always a price for everything. 

It’s actually associated to karma. From wikipedia karma is the executed action as a consequence of that activity, So,  a good action creates good karma, as does good intent. A bad action creates bad karma, as does bad intent. But it’s not necessarily linked to reincarnation (I’ll post it sometime later). So, in order to gain good things in this world, you should do good things to others. Dont expect to receive good things while what you do is slaying and destroying human’s kindness. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

How To Lie (Almost) Perfectly

It's been a while since my last post. About two or three weeks? Its not that i dont have any idea of what to write. There are a lot of things in my mind that i wish to share with you through my writing, but my laziness prevents me to do that. LOL. I just dont like the idea turning on the laptop, sitting in front my desk, and writing what is in my head. 

Anyway, since i need to turn on my laptop tonight, i might as well update this blog. So, tonight i want to talk about LIE, LYING, and A LIAR. 

So, what is lie ? According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, a lie is a false statement to a person or group made by another person or group who knows it is not the whole truth, INTENTIONALLY 

Why do I capitalize INTENTIONALLY? Because a lie must be told by someone with a purpose to hide the truth, whether, for a period of time or permanently (this is impossilbe, i'll explain it later) 

I dont believe in white lie, but i do agree that sometimes we need to hide the truth for a period of time, either because the truth is so hard it needs time to be told, or the truth will make the situation worse. What ever the reason is, you must remember that you cant lie forever. There will come the time when you have to tell the truth, or it will come out eventually. In bahasa phrase, "sepandai-pandainya menyembunyikan bangkai, baunya akan tercium juga." 

Anyway, i dont want to discuss the upside and downside of telling lies, i want to tell you how to tell lies (almost) perfectly. This is important to convince people that the lies that we tell them are the truth. 

1. Choose a decent story 
The key to tell a perfect lie is an appropriate story. Dont make up a great story, but compose a common, normal, yet convinced story. Its better to make story based on your daily routine rather than a surprising, out of the blue activity.

2. Support your idea 
The next step, is gathering proves to convince people your lie is the truth. This is a very important step as this step determines how transparent or predictable your lie is. Gather as many proves as possible and build them around your story. If you need to lie for a long time, pay attention to the small details, as they will help you to convince people.

3. Practice yourself 
Before you actually tell people about your lie, first you have to convince yourself that the lie you have created is the truth. Re-tell the story in your head over and over again until even yourself cant distinguish it. Look over the details and proves you have gathered, and review the relevance of them. Delete things that contradict your story, add more if you think they are not enough.

4. Act usual 
Dont be strange. Keep normal. Dont skip a beat. A skilled lie detector will know you're lying through your body response. An untrained lie teller will have a sympathetic nervous system working in his/her body. It's seen through elevated heart rate and blood pressure, hyperventilation, pupil dilation, face pallor, palm sweating and coldness, nervousness, extremities tremble, etc. Be sure not to show any of the sign above, and you will be fine. 

5. Keep it simple 
When telling your lie, dont tell all of the details. Skip some details as if you try to remember real events. A perfect story will lose its meaning when too many details are told. People will be likely to know you are lying when you remember all the facts about your story, unless you are asked about them, dont tell about them. And when you tell them, act as if you forget about them and you try hard to recall them

6. Live with it 
Congratulation, you've created a great big lie. The last step is just live with it. Continue your life based on the story you've created. 

I'd like to give you example of each point, but then it will be like a real guideline to lie. The method I've mentioned above works for any lie, but not emergency lie though, as you need to make up the story directly. It works best for a prepared lie, for example, a new identity, etc. 

Where do i get those? Hmm, observation and real experience? It's not like that I often lie --" Someone once told me that I'm a great liar, but I wont lie if I'm not necessarily required to. So there it is. 

Anyway, I'm telling this, not to advice you to lie. but to give you an opinion, a view, a thought about lie. As you can see, telling lies is not an easy thing to do. You need to do many things to convince people that you are telling the truth. Yet, the result is not always satisfactory. Sometimes it even breaks thing. Then, I'm asking you, is it really worth it? Why dont you just tell the truth? Maybe it will hurt first, but after that, the hard feeling will be gone. Trust me. 

Dont worry, if you wonder whether I'm sick to tell this thing, nope I'm not. I'm just a normal person with a strange, untangled mind. Ok, a little bit sociopath. And psycopath. But I'm not crazy though. Just a little weird. 

And one last thing (Wow, this writing has been too long. Sorry >.<) Remember that the worst kind of people is not the liar its self, but people who justify the lie and wrap it like a truth. 

Stay true. 
With Honesty, Me <3

Friday, May 2, 2014

Re-post : Penyelesaian

Ok, ini tugasku ketika SMA. Enjoy :). I'm gonna make the english version soon, stay tuned :)

“Kau harus bertemu dengannya.”

“Bagaimana kalau aku tidak mau?”

“Kau pasti mau.”

Dia mendengus dan memalingkan muka. Aku sudah seharian ini mencoba meyakinkannya untuk bertemu dengan ayah KAMI. Catat : ayah kami, bukan ayahku saja seperti yang selalu dikatakannya.

“Aku sibuk.”

“Yang benar saja! Jelas-jelas kau tidak sibuk ok? Kau hanya tidak punya keberanian menemuinya,” aku memandangnya tajam.

“Enak saja kau bilang aku tidak berani huh?”

“Lalu apa? Kau malu? Ayolah, temui dirinya, bagaimana kalau sesaat sebelum kau pergi?”

“Aku tidak mau, ok? Apapun alasanku itu bukan urusanmu, kau mengerti itu? Aku harus pergi.”

Dan dia meninggalkanku sendiri.

Bukan masalah besar sebenarnya.

Dia selalu begitu.

Aku dan dia bukan saudara kandung. Dia adalah saudara tiriku. Ayahku menikah dengan ibuny. Kami dulu adalah sebuah keluarga yang cukup bahagia, sampai hari itu.

Nenekku, atau mertua ibu tiriku, tidak setuju dengan pernikahan mereka, walau sudah tiga tahun berlalu. Hari itu ulang tahun ibu tiriku, dan entah kenapa nenekku mengundang ibu tiriku saja untuk ke rumahnya. Nenekku bilang, ‘Women’s day – Hari Wanita’. Aku tidak tahu pasti apa yang terjadi ketika ibu tiriku disana, tapi sekembalinya dari sana, ibu tiriku membawa mobil dengan penuh emosi, sesuatu yang tidak pernah dia lakukan selama ini, walau bagaimanapun kacau dirinya. Beliau pasti sangat terganggu hari itu, karena beliau membawa mobil seperti orang gila.

Dan kecelakaan fatal itu terjadi. Kejadiannya ibuku tidak bisa mengerem karena ada mobil yang memotong secara tiba-tiba. Kakak laki-lakiku menyalahkan ayahku untuk kejadian yang bukan kesalahannya.

Dan keluarga kami tercerai berai.

Layaknya kaca pecah yang tidak bisa utuh dan disatukan lagi.

Sungguh ironis.

“Hi, Kira, kamu sudah pulang?” beliau batuk, tiga kali.

“Hi, yah,” beliau sedang duduk di kursi meja makan.

“Bagaimana?” dia terbatuk.

Aku menggeleng dan duduk di depannya.

“Oh,” aku bisa melihat kesedihan dimatanya, “Aku mengerti,” dan batuk lagi.

“Maaf,” aku menundukkan wajahku.

Aku bisa mendengarnya batuk-batuk dan berusaha untuk bicara.

“Maaf untuk apa?”

“Maaf karena aku tidak bisa membawanya pulang.”

“Itu bukan salahmu.”

Dan kami terdiam. Udara terasa sangat berat dan membuatku sesak. Keheningan yang mengapung-apung diudara sangat menusuk dan membuatku menggigil. Hanya suara batuk-batuk ayahku yang terdengar seperti berasal dari tempat yang jauh. Ketika aku melihatnya kesusahan, membuatku bertanya-tanya, jika aku menceritakan keadaan ayahku yang sebenarnya, akankah dia mau menukar pikirannya?

Kakakku, hingga akhir masa dinasnya masih tidak mau bertemu dengan ayahku. Sekeras apapun aku membujuknya dia tetap tidak mau. Aku tidak bisa menceritakan keadaan ayahku, beliau tidak mengizinkannya.

“Ayah, izinkan aku mengatakan kepadanya keadaan ayah.”

“Tidak,” dia terbaring di tempat tidur, suara batuknya menggema ke sekeliling kamar.

“Kenapa?” aku memegang tangannya erat. Aku tidak mau kehilangan tangan ini, “Ku mohon ayah, biarkan aku mengatakannya! Dengan begitu dia pasti mau bertemu denganmu.”

“Tidak bisa sayang, tidak bisa,” matanya menerawang jauh. Seakan dia bisa melihat masa depan yang menantinya. “Aku tidak mau dia bertemu denganku dengan paksaan, hanya karena keadaanku membuatnya merasa bersalah jika tidak melakukannya. Tidak sayang, aku mau dia bertemu denganku karena dia memaafkanku, karena dia sudah ikhlas dan merelakan kepergian ibunya. Hanya itu,” dia mengatakannya sambil terbatuk.

Dan aku memalingkan muka, beliau mengatakan itu seakan beliau sudah tahu akan ajal yang akan menjemputnya.

Air mataku pun menetes.

Ayahku meninggal sehari setelah kepergian kakakku. Beliau meninggal dengan membawa kekecewaan yang amat besar karena kakakku tidak mau menemuinya hingga saat terakhirnya. Malam hari keberangkatan kakakku, beliau koma, batuknya sangat kuat dan mengeluarkan banyak darah dan meninggal keesokan paginya. Tapi aku tahu, beliau meninggal karena suda menyerah, perasaan ditolak yang tidak bisa dibendungnya memperburuk keadaannya.

Dan aku harus melepaskan tangannya. Beliau pergi, meninggalkanku sendiri.

Dan untuk alasan inilah, aku tidak bisa memaafkan diriku.

Tidak akan pernah.

Kira Juwita

For Once

Ok, it's been a while since i wrote something on this very blog, i've been occupied with school and stuff. Anyway, today I want to repost old poem that I 'created' (as a reply for the song) for a certain someone a long time ago. Well, i almost deleted it, but i kinda love this poem. It's my comeback after two years of vacuum of writing (the days when i actually 'enjoyed' being in medical school). Well, just enjoy :)

For Once 

Once, I'd lived
Living, but alone
Did I regret it ?
Not once my dear, not once

But Alas, he came
Striving against the wind
Rising through the wave
Resurrecting to the surface

For once, I live again
Living, with sense
Have I entered new life
Different horrizon, different light

For he, the one who saved me
Detaching me from the old
Do I regret it?Not once my dear, not once 

And for that, I thank you
Shall we live for ages
Thousand years, thousand lives
Will my feeling never change