Saturday, June 21, 2014

Music Genre : Classical

I love classical music, not because of the perspective or representation of the genre its self, but because of the concept, the idea that it brings. It doesnt have words or lyrics, but because of that, the composers try to make the best music. The unspoken words are delivered to tones that create a beautiful sound. Classical music provides something that the modern music cant meet, imagination. You can interprete it as you want. Your mood affects the way you see the music. Your current thought can change the imagination while listening to it. 

My most favorite composers are Beethoven and Chopin. I dont listen much to Mozart, his music is too dynamic for me. Or Bach, his music is too monotone sometimes. Or Debussy, his music is too cheerful. But Beethoven and Chopin are just perfect. They have the intimate, the romantic side, the dark and light side. Their music makes you feel in every possible aspect. The happiness, the miserable, the darkness, the loneliness, the love, the glow. They are just perfect.

Here is some classical pieces that I've collected, in case you're interested to listen to some :) : My Playlist

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