Ok, about miracle. Read something then suddenly it just kicks me off.
I dont believe in miracle. Call me whatever you like, unbeliever, realist, rationalist. Ok, before you assume, I do believe in higher power, in my case, God. I do believe in him. I'm a muslim.
Well, i believe in real effort, pray, and luck. I do believe that God decides our fate, and God plays a big role in our life, that our prays to him will somehow help to determine our way, enhances our success, but It's not necessarily God creates miracle. Ok, what I meant by miracle is not about superstitious thing which there are propehts and their miracles. What I meant by miracle is every day miracle. Like, someone is suddenly awake from coma because of miracle. It's not. They are awake because its not their time yet to die. Or because the medication finally works or anything. Not because of some kind of miracle. Everything can be explained.
Please dont say miracle. Because if you believe in miracle, then you just got lazy because you will always think, "God will give me miracle. I just have to keep praying." And then you will not do the actual effort, the real actions that actually change the situations or improve things. If you say miracle, your mindset is stuck. Like if someone, for example, comes back from vegetative state after 2 years, you would only think that it's because of God's miracle. You dont want to try to figure out in why he actually is alive again because you think it's God's will. You will always be wrapped in somekind of walls to understand more about this world. Ok, in easy word, you will be stupid
And miracle is different from luck. Luck is a coincidence. Luck is man made that is in your favour. Ok, example, you pass a difficult exam. It's not a miracle. It's because you study hard enough, or because you answer correctly, or because the examiner doesnt check your answers correctly or anything. There is always something that makes the event (cause and effect law). And, if the event doesnt favour us, we call it bad luck or unfortunate event. But miracle is different. It's in God's hand, it doesnt fulfill cause and effect law because it's God's will.
It doesnt mean that I dont believe in power of God, or the power of pray. I do. God wants us to pray because he wants to know what we really want, what we really hope for, how much we want to get what we wants, how hard our effort is amd what we will do to get it. He wants to know if we are brave enough to actually get what we want. Ok, for example, you want a handphone (or anything works). You work for it. You get a job and get money. But if you dont say it to other people. What you want is just in your head. But because you say it, what you want becomes real. That you really want a handphone amd you are working to get it. The same goes with God. He knows that you want many things, but through pray, he wants to see which one you really wish to happen.
In the end, please dont say miracle. It really gives me goosebump.